Brink Literary Journal: Renewal

submitted by

Nina Lohman

Call For Submissions

Brink is open for hybrid and cross-genre submissions of any length and style engaging the theme of renewal. On the surface, renewal suggests restoration. It is the act of returning an object to its original state of existence. We repair used furniture. Our health is restored. We remake that which has been used and revive that which has been spent.

But below the surface, renewal is repetition. It is a pledge to an original object or person or idea. Renewal is a value declaration. It is a signifier of life and potential. We are interested in the moments leading up to renewal, the pause between brokenness and wholeness, the intricacies of repair, the patterns that emerge when we return, again and again, to the source. Show us the space around renewal. Take us to the brink of renewal.

We’re looking for work that reignites our idea of what an essay can do or be. We’re particularly excited about flash essays, ekphrasis nonfiction, lists, diary entries, erasures, manifestos, intense lyricism, auto-theory, translations, and revelatory ruptures in form and syntax that breaks, and remakes, language anew.

Submission Period
January 1, 2025 - January 31, 2025

Submissions Guidelines URL

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