We are currently open for poetry and fiction (short stories or novellas) full-length manuscript submissions between September 13th, 2024 through October 15th, 2024.
Our mission as an independent, intersectional feminist press is to publish groundbreaking poetry by women writers, BIPOC writers, LGBTQ+ writers, writers of a lower socio-economic status, and writers with disabilities. We want to champion work that is experimental and nuanced, engaging with a poetics of liberation, even as it explores the experiences of daily life. We are passionate about publishing poetry that pushes the boundaries of form, voice, language and style—the boundaries of what language can do.
Submissions are open to any US-based writer from a historically marginalized background. Though we love and have published works in translation, all submissions for this period must be original work written in English.
Please review our submission guidelines before uploading your submissions.
Host Publications awards writers with $2,500, 25 author copies, dedicated editorial work from our skilled editors, a book launch in Austin, Texas, and energetic promotion from our staff. We also offer our authors the opportunity to be a guest on our literary podcast, The Host Dispatch.
A limited number of free entries will be available for writers for whom the reading fee presents a financial hardship. Please contact us at [email protected].
We encourage to all who submit that familiarize themselves with our most recent publications. You may purchase our titles on our website or through our distributor.
Submissions will be reviewed and participants will be notified by February 1st, 2025.