Building an AI Workflow: Dedicated Software or Roll-Your-Own?

Gain insight into building AI workflows for publishing using existing or custom tools.

Event Date
Event Time
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Venue
Virtual (Zoom)

Book Industry Study Group logo

This webinar, the third in a series of four planned for Fall 2024, will dive into the premade and custom options for integrating AI tools into publishing workflows.

More details on topics and speakers to come.

This event is part of the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) Fall 2024 AI Webinar series, co-produced with Thad McIlroy, which offers an ongoing exploration of artificial intelligence and its impact on the book industry.

Registration is free for CLMP members. Non-members may register for a single webinar for $19 or all four webinars in the series for $49.