Adanna Literary Journal

Type Of Organization
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Adanna, a name of Nigerian origin, pronounced a-DAN-a, is defined as “her father’s daughter.” This literary journal is titled Adanna because women over the centuries have been defined by men in politics, through marriage, and, most importantly, by the men who fathered them. Today women are still bound by complex roles in society, often needing to wear more than one hat or sacrifice one role so another may flourish. While this journal is dedicated to women, it is not exclusive, and it welcomes our counterparts and their thoughts about women today. Submissions to Adanna must reflect women’s issues or topics, celebrate womanhood, and shout out in passion.

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Primary Editor/Contact Person
Christine Redman-Waldeyer
Contact Title
Contact Email
Submissions Policy
Currently we take submissions for our yearly annual issue between Jan. 1 - May. 1. This includes poetry, essay, creative non-fiction, fiction, and book review. Submissions are done through e-mail. All accepted contributors receive a complimentary copy of their work. There are no submission fees associated with the annual issue. This remains consistent year to year. We also have calls for Special Issues that are not consistent year to year. In the past we have asked for submission fees for our Special Issues, which focus on a particular topic such as "Women and Art," "Women on Grief," "Women and War," "Contemporary Love Poetry," "Women and Food." The fees are small, usually $5 or less. This at times helps support Adanna along with purchases of our books. We recently had a call on "Mothering during the Pandemic," and we did not require a submission fee.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Year Founded
Number Of Books Published Per Year
Titles In Print
