Add to Cart Magazine

Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Press
Genres Published
Audio, Essays, Fiction, Graphic Novels Comics, Poetry, Reviews, Visual Art
Year Established
Roseville, NSW
Maheesha Sabapathy
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
In 2018, Professor Rudimentary White sat down to a three-quarter long black on a sunlit evening in Sydney. He sensed the time was ripe to throw a fresh splash of milky-white inchoate rhetoric into the blend of online content. Add to Cart is now siphoned delicately from the orifices of his writers and artists. We're adding to the fossil-layer of literature, ideas, art, and whatever else that takes time to make—and comprehend. Stop by, savour our flavours, sniff, lick, spit out. We publish prose, poetry, stories, interviews, reviews, art, music, podcasts, workshops, and digital media.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions