Calla Press

Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Press
Genres Published
Essays, Fiction, Poetry, Visual Art
Year Established
Samantha Cabrera
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
I named our publication Calla Press after the calla lily flower; I imagined being dried and pressed, much like how we all are in life quite often. Some would say the lily is no longer a flower, but I see the beauty of being pressed through our trials to exude the glory of Christ. My mission is to uplift broken people through the gift of words and imagery to glorify Jesus Christ. Calla Press publishes literary work on a rolling basis throughout the year; in addition to our online publication, we publish an annual literary journal featuring our contributors’ work. The print edition is published in the spring of every year. We publish unique and holy storytelling, the kind that makes you want to read it again. We also enjoy traditional prose and poetry.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
I look for good literary work; as objective as that sounds, I think as editors, we all know what fits and what doesn't make the cut.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
I encourage submitters to submit their best work. Please look over your work again before submitting it; it looks careless when you have made a mistake on a common word. Don't get caught up in the glam of getting published; submit your best.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
I had one writer submit a story and in the body of the email he wrote, "Dear editor, read a good story." I ended up rejecting it, though it did make me laugh.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Our ideal reader is someone who is looking to take the time to read something to uplift their soul. As our work is primarily Christian, readers get to explore a plethora of Christian work from essays to poetry. It really is quite encouraging.