Cirque Press

Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Press
Year Established
Anchorage, Alaska
Sandra Kleven
Publisher and editor
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Cirque Press grew out of Cirque, a literary journal established in 2009 by Michael Burwell.  Sandra Kleven came onboard in 2011 to further the work.  Cirque was established to provide publication opportunity to writers and artists of a region that falls north from Oregon to the Yukon Territory and south from there through Alaska to Hawaii.  As of 2023, we celebrate twenty-five issues of our highly regarded journal.  Cirque contributors are widely published in an array of journals. Their writing is significant.  It is personal.  It is strong.  It draws on these regions in ways that add to the culture of place.  The body of work of individual writers could be lost if it remained scattered across the landscape of literary journals.  Cirque Press (2018) seeks to gather the work of our contributors into book-form where it can be experienced coherently as statement, observation, and artistry: where it can be preserved as literary history of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.  Sandra Kleven –Michael Burwell, publishers and editors 
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