Full Bleed

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Year Established
1300 W. Mount Royal Ave Attn: Paul Jaskunas, Bunting 405 Baltimore, Maryland 21217 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Full Bleed is an annual print journal devoted to the visual and literary arts. We favor criticism that emanates personality and experiments with form; contrarian argument on fundamental questions of value; and ambitious critical essays on cultural phenomena that are of active concern to living artists and writers. We also publish contemporary visual art, fiction, poetry, and graphic essays. Full Bleed arises from the belief that aesthetic experience is favorable to the cause of human dignity, within individual lives and within our politics. We are motivated, too, by the conviction that openness to art strengthens the tenuous ties that stitch each human life into meaningful relation with its environment. We have thus sought to fashion a journal that presents the work of visual and literary artists even as it speaks to the antagonisms shaping our world. In addition to feature-length essays of up to 7500 words and portfolios of visual art, Full Bleed publishes shorter, recurring columns of approximately 1000 to 2000 words. These include "Close Looks", in which writers offer in-depth critiques of individual artworks; "Studio Visits", in which a writer offers a brief but detailed profile of a notable artist; and "Cities", which examines urban conditions, innovations, and tendencies. We would also welcome shorter essays on work life, unusual studio and gallery spaces, transformational encounters with works of art, reviews of notable new books, and archival discoveries.
Please Identify The University Or Organization
Maryland Institute College of Art
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
Year round
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Number Of Issues Per Year
Total Circulation
