Green House Literary

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Chicago, IL
Timothy Green
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Reading is important to us. It's always been a part of our lives. Novels, short story collections, poetry, anthologies, online posts, magazine pieces, and the stories within all of them contain the power to change the world. So after spending years reading published stories, we wanted to try our hand on the other side of the glass: reading all the wonderful content that is handed to editors before it's published. We had a feeling we were missing out on some important stories. We want to publish powerful work from everyone, unestablished and established, literary and genre fictions. All the great stories. We have an endless appetite for story. It's as important to sustaining life as food, water, or sleep. But we won't be doing much of the latter, because we'll be reading.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
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