I-70 Review Inc.

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Fiction, Poetry, Translation, Visual Art
Year Established
Independence, MO
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
I-70 Review publishes poetry, short fiction (1,500 words maximum) and visual b&w art . We publish one issue each year in September. We look for poetry that is well written and shows skill and knowledge of contemporary poetry. We accept free-verse and rhyming poetry, but the rhyme must not be poorly versed or obvious. We do not publish anything erotic, religious, or political. All submissions should be typed and submitted in a single document to [email protected]. Poems should be no more than 40 lines per poem (unless solicited). We request no more than 5 poems per submission and only one submission per reading period. We generally respond in 4 to 6 weeks. Open Submission period is July 1-December 31 of each year. Payment is one contributor copy.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Reading Period
From 7 / 12 / 1 -31
Response Time
4 - 6 weeks
Author Payments
The Bill Hickok Humor Award for Poetry Deadline: Feb 28, 2022, Entry Fee: $15.00 Cash Prize: $1,000
Number Of Issues Per Year
Price Per Issue
Total Subscribers
Total Circulation
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Present brief information with brief bio. We accept work by the quality of the work submitted.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We look for poetry and fiction that is well written and shows skill and knowledge of contemporary poetry and short fiction.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Submit your best work. We look for careful revision and care for presentation of all work submitted.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Those who appreciate great literature and art.
