Jenner Publishing™

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Visual Art
Year Established
New York, New York
Jenner Publishing™ owner
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Besides our Magazine's mandate, we would to publish articles, as themed by the particular Mag-Booklet edition, current articles regarding the Classical Fine Arts with genre specific to the theme - (irrespective of actual Vol number and original dates) articles authored by actual author name - not pen name, with one time nominal amount per article - not for hire, an Independent Contractor, for a limited Restricted audience, 26+, with non-paid concurrent publishings as the publications go out with its native products. If the writer or reviewer of the Arts is also an Fine Artist, that too may be featured if approved for limited unpaid publishings, because of potential Adult content requested or inherent in the Booklet-Mag. Therefore, the author can only be 26+ of age. The Fine Arts writing style & classical water color/oil paintings Fine Arts content is their own choosings with permissions - unless it's their own, No Arts or references in Arts to persons , contents or subjects who are or are apparently less than 26+ . The object is to add beauty, beautiful writing and beautiful imagry to these particular Mag-Booklets. What is Adult may transcend the usual, but we remain within those contexts for the reservation of rights to freedom of writing, products, & customer content that may remain with the issue with their permission. In others words, they add the fantasy of beauty to LITERARY TOON-T™: New York City Dialogues to counter-balance rauchiness of "New Yawrk". In addition to said constraints, the Mag-Booklet has a "Restricted" contract, but certainly aside from that has potentially a large following for the 26+ crowd.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Complies with age & content /subject matter/depiction Restrictions. Classical Fine Arts writings and Arts: Water Color & Oil Paintings articles or manuscript/books
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
If accepted we give them a gift. The copyrights are their own but we also restrict competition with the publication "Property contents.
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