Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Press
Genres Published
Essays, Fiction, Graphic Novels Comics, Poetry, Reviews, Visual Art
Year Established
Wyoming, MI
Jason Gillikin
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
We're a small press and literary journal focused on emerging talent native to the Great Lakes region of the U.S. and Canada. "The Lakeshore Review" publishes three times annually, elevating short stories, poems, graphic art, and creative nonfiction that's crafted well and moves the soul. Our publishing wing offers three imprints specializing in fiction, poetry, and technical non-fiction.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Letters should look like letters, even if they're pasted into a text box. An undiferentiated paragraph that's half generic logline and half bio isn't a cover letter, and yes -- we notice. The Chicago Manual of Style is your friend!
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Competence. There's a trend afoot to try to be trendy, edgy, or more-enlightened-than-thou. But to be honest, we'd rather focus on the craft than the politics.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Read the editorial guidelines, then read them again. Editors can tell when you're blindly shotgunning something versus submitting TO US, and that instinct rarely works in the submitter's favor.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
In our "The 3288 Review" days, we were the first to publish an emerging author. She kept submitting more great stuff to us, which led to us publishing a series of connected stories set in the same space and time. Quite delightful!
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
You are!