
Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Essays, Fiction, Poetry, Reviews, Translation, Visual Art
Year Established
Bakersfield, CA
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
As recipient of the Pandemic Research Grant from California State University, Bakersfield, it is not only my goal to have a space where writers and artists may display their creative work for the public, but also to be a milestone and space to witness the development of the artist/writer. We have launched an online magazine and would like to see our success continue in a quarterly printed issue. Located in Bakersfield, CA, we are an initiative for writers in Kern County and beyond. The Pandemic Research Grant has kindly funded this opportunity. Out first issue is about the COVID-19 pandemic. Our writers created work either inspired by or written during the crisis. As Editor, it is my duty to see our network grow inspired by positivity, kindness, and creativity.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Average Unique Visitors Per Month