Lucky Jefferson

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
221 W Harrison St APT 716 Chicago, Illinois 60607 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Founded in 2018, Lucky Jefferson is an award-winning literary journal that generates interactive conversations around poetry and art by reforming the way journals are produced and shared. Lucky Jefferson is proud to feature poets and writers who have never been published, marginalized perspectives, and those who sought to pursue writing later in life. We exist to create spaces for those who wish to see themselves represented more boldly in the world; and we help those same few build an audience and reimagine joy for their work. You can enjoy our print publications quarterly or four times a year.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
3 - 6 weeks
Author Payments
cash, copies
Number Of Issues Per Year
Price Per Issue
Total Circulation
