Map Literary

Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Press
Year Established
Wayne, NJ
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Founded in 2012, Map Lit­er­ary is ded­i­cated to cel­e­brat­ing qual­ity works of new lit­er­a­ture. Rather than align­ing with any one aes­thetic, we aspire to pro­mote the finest provoca­tive writ­ing of our time, pub­lish­ing semi­an­nual issues of orig­i­nal fic­tion, poetry, and non­fic­tion in online for­mat, with occa­sional let­ter­press print sup­ple­ments. We are also inter­ested in advanc­ing works of art and media, espe­cially collage. We also run the Rachel Wetzsteon Chapbook Award.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
Number Of Issues Per Year

Magazine Press