Meetinghouse Magazine

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Hanover, NH
Jennifer Capriola
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Based at Dartmouth College, Meetinghouse is a literary magazine that provides a space for diverse voices to speak with one another. Meetinghouse builds upon Dartmouth’s rich literary history and vibrant creative writing faculty, creating opportunities for undergraduates to learn about all aspects of publishing, from reading submissions to laying out finished stories. The meeting house was a place of town discussion, disagreement, and deliberation. Our magazine finds harmony in the conversation between fragmented, incongruous parts. We cast our net wide, publishing work that cuts at unusual angles across traditional genres (fiction, poetry, memoir), work that manages to transmute confusion into relative coherence, the personal into the public, anecdotes into stories. With a belief in the interdisciplinary and the illuminating power of imaginative language, we feature literary nonfiction written by scientists, philosophers, natural historians, historians, journalists, literary critics, and others, finding connections where at first none seem to exist. Student editors work in collaboration with faculty mentors to take Meetinghouse all the way from idea to print. We feature Dartmouth’s best undergraduate writing alongside work from established and emerging voices.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
Number Of Issues Per Year
Total Circulation
