Megara Publishing Inc

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #494, New York, New York, 10013, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
We’re a Speculative Fiction Publishing House. We focus on empowering emerging authors in speculative fiction. We are particularly interested in work by and about traditionally under-represented voices in SFF. We are currently focused on publishing in the following genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Magical Realism and Supernatural.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
4 - 8 weeks
Ingram, Barnes and Noble, Amazon
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Submissions should contain work in a very complete form, free from major spelling and grammatical errors.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Don't rush, take your time make sure your work is polished before submitting. If possible have friends review and edit your work before hand.