
Type Of Publisher
Year Established
7401 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21208 United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Passager (Passenger + Passages = Passager) is a nonprofit literary press dedicated to publishing the work of older writers, encouraging the imagination throughout life, and creating beautiful and welcoming publications. We publish two journal issues each year, a number of books of poetry, memoir and short fiction, and award the biennial Henry Morgenthau III Poetry Prize for a first book of poetry by a writer age 70 or older.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
From 02 / 04 / 15 -15
Response Time
2 - 4 months
Contest Guidelines
Small Press Distributions
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Our publication is unique because all of our over-50 authors have led full lives before we meet them. We’re more interested in you as a person and less as a list of publications, and our editors enjoy your letters as much as your writing.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Writing unlike what we’ve published recently with a special interest in immigrant stories and giving voice to marginalized people.