$ – Poetry Is Currency

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
4 Bavarian Way, St. Peters, MO, 63376, United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
$ rejects cultural preoccupation with financial worth. $ loves poetry’s inherent non-monetary, anti-capitalist value. $ seeks poets who write what they believe most important, regardless of economics and the market. $ wants marginalized and underrepresented voices and perspectives. $ encourages dissent and resistance. $ abhors bigotry, white supremacy, toxic masculinity, and rape culture. $ works to subvert unconscious bias. $ supports real change, real justice, real populism. $ believes everything is intersectional. $ is not affiliated with or dependent on any institution. $ will not publish on the backs of writers by charging for submissions or contests. $ refuses to stay silent or act polite.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
2 - 12 weeks
Total Circulation