
Type Of Publisher
Year Established
2017 (first issue 2019)
111 Crossland Hall Franco American Programs Orono, ME 04469 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Résonance is an open-access electronic, curated, editor-reviewed literary journal that seeks to encourage, showcase, and disseminate creative works by established and emerging writers, primarily by and/or about the Franco-American communities of the United States. The editors are also interested in literary work that explores related themes. The editors invite submission in a wide range of literary genres, as well as reviews and translations. There has long been a need for this type of resource. Franco-American and other writers who wished to communicate the reality of this linguistic minority have often found no literary-focused vehicle to do so. The editors hope that Résonance will help remedy this situation.
Please Identify The University Or Organization
Franco American Programs, University of Maine in Orono, ME
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
