Rock & Sling

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Essays, Fiction, Graphic Novels Comics, Poetry, Reviews, Translation, Visual Art
Year Established
Spokane, WA
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The editors of Rock & Sling believe that the act of writing, and of reading, is a way of drilling down to the core of language’s vitality, and accepting an understanding of artistic language as a kind of testimony. The compulsion of the word is bracing in its charge to the writer to understand that his and her work matters not just as an expression of experience and response but as an active language engaged morally as well as aesthetically. To tell the truth is an act of responsibility as well as an expression of hope. To testify is an act of courage as well as an expression of faith. This means we look for complexity, with an understanding that what appears simple is rarely easy. We look for work that engages ideas of faith, with an understanding that doubt is an integrated, essential aspect of faith. We look for beauty, with an understanding that we are called to be made uncomfortable. We look for structure, with the understanding that every new work is a new experiment. The editors believe that faith isn’t easy, no matter what one has faith in, and we look for work that is not afraid to acknowledge difficulty, work that isn’t afraid to say, “I don’t know.”
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
1 - 4 months
Contest Guidelines