Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Feminist, Young Adult
Year Established
Spruce Grove, AB
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Sad Girl diary is a collection of raw journal entries from women who have been struggling with mental health issues and have had a challenging time trying to access the help they need. This is a place for people who feel alone - to share and connect, to bash horrible ways they've been treated within the field, or to celebrate wins when they happen. Everyone has mental health - so why do we all feel so alone? We are all Sad Girl, sometimes. Struggling with mental health can be so isolating and traumatizing. So many parts of the system cause more harm than good. So let's talk about it, let's criticize, let's commiserate, let's hold this system accountable. Let's write this diary together.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions