
Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Englisches Seminar, Johannisstr. 12-20, Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, 48143, Germany
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Satura is a student-edited literary magazine whose purpose is to foster an open-ended discourse on subjects in the humanities. Founded in 2018 by students in the English Department at the University of Münster, Satura will publish its fifth volume in 2023. Satura is student-edited and its primary purpose is to provide students the opportunity to have practical experience in working for academic/creative journals. Satura is an annual journal, produced entirely by students, with an online presence via Open Journal Systems as well as a small print run (~100 copies). This serves the purpose of not only preserving the cultural memory of a printed text, but also of reinforcing the role of the book in academic life.
Please Identify The University Or Organization
University of Muenster, English Department
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Reading Period
Response Time
2 - 3 weeks
Total Circulation