Seaside Gothic

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Fiction, Poetry, Visual Art
Year Established
Broadstairs, Kent
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Seaside Gothic is a magazine from the edge of the sea where the frontier of civilisation meets the wild of the water. There are three criteria that define seaside gothic literature: 1. It is led by emotion, not reason, exploring the human experience mentally and spiritually as well as physically, and is unashamed to embrace the violence of the sea and the wind along with the beauty of the land and the sky and the ever-changing tide. 2. It addresses duality—land and sea, love and hate, the beautiful and the grotesque—to reflect the structures that line the coast, which are both those solidly braced against the fiercest elements and those built from what surrounds in a state of shanty transience. 3. It connects to the edge, living on the seaside either literally or figuratively, and has one foot in the water and the other on solid ground, presenting the juxtaposition of a physical border with open space and a wilderness of water that provides life yet is inconsumable. These criteria apply as much to the language used as the narrative form. Particular attention is paid to working class and transient voices in seaside gothic literature, as although the coastline in a sense equalises those who live along it, the very nature of surviving the border of two worlds is one of struggle and displacement.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions