Teach. Write.: A Literary Journal for Writing Teachers

Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Press
Genres Published
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Cross Genre Hybrid, Autobiography Memoir, Drama, Environment Nature, Essays, Flash Fiction, Regional
Year Established
Fletcher, North Carolina
Katie Winkler
Editor and Publisher
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Submissions are open to all, although writing that is either written by composition teachers and writing students, or about teaching and learning is preferred. The editor believes that writing students (virtually everyone has been a writing student) need to have a voice in Teach. Write. However, the editor does request that the required third-person bio authors are asked to write include their composition teacher experience, if any, or explain the impact writing instruction has had on them.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Keep it brief. A long string of publication credits isn't likely to impress me.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
Writers or writing that has a connection to teaching or learning is preferred but any quality writing has a chance at publication.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Read guidelines carefully. Read previous editions to see what I like to publish
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Someone who cares about teaching and writing well.