Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Muncie, IN
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Facing Project Press is an imprint of The Facing Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that creates a more understanding and empathetic world through stories that inspire action. The organization provides tools and a platform for individuals and communities to share their stories, connect across differences, and begin crucial conversations through their own narratives. Since 2012, 100 Facing Projects have been organized in 18 states, and The Facing Project Radio Show airs once a month on select NPR-affiliate stations and via NPR One. The Facing Project Press was established in the spring of 2020 to provide a publishing outlet for books written and developed by Facing Project communities. In addition to the titles from Facing Project communities, The Facing Project Press acquires book-length works of nonfiction including memoirs, narrative nonfiction, and essay collections that strive to live out the mission of The Facing Project through The Empathy Prize. We are especially interested in works that focus on connecting across differences, current events, and lifting up underrepresented voices, such as those not often heard around race/ethnicity, class, geography/culture, religion/spirituality, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and ability.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions