The Hunger

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Essays, Fiction, Poetry, Visual Art
Year Established
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Hunger is a journal of visceral writing that publishes fiction, poetry, nonfiction, hybrid work, and visual art in two issues yearly, appearing in the Winter and Spring. The Hunger Press is home to the Tiny Fork Chapbook Series and holds a yearly chapbook contest in the Summer. The Hunger began in Summer of 2017 in Bowling Green, Kentucky, as the project of two friends who met in an MFA program and became one another’s “ideal reader” through a mutual attraction to emotionally eviscerating writing. As writers themselves, they noticed a void in the literary magazine market for the kind of work they are inspired to write and read: writing that guts you, that makes you howl with its honesty, that leaves you bloodied, raw, and hungering for more. The Hunger is looking for the lyrical, the strange, the uncomfortable, the vulnerable, the mangled monsters inside. We strive to create a writing community that is founded on principles of inclusion and diversity, and gives a platform to a wide range of voices. We encourage all people, regardless of race, gender identity, faith, sexual orientation, or political affiliation to submit.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Contest Guidelines