The Ulu Review

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
3567 PINAO ST HONOLULU, Hawaii 96822 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Ulu Review is an new online publication, based off of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Our goal is to celebrate the way in which storytelling can help to preserve the cultural values of humanity and tradition. ​ We’re excited to publish short stories, poems, plays, and personal essays -- especially ones that have a special kind of magic to them. ​Whether it be a mythological flair, or the type of everyday magic found in coincidences and happenstance, we are eager to be a home ​for tales that give insight into the wonderful and miraculous. We are accepting new work on a rolling basis. That means submissions are always welcome, and the review intends to publish monthly. Following that, selected pieces each month will receive a monetary prize. As we become a more established presence, we hope to pay for every piece published. ​ We’re excited to begin this journey with you -- authors and readers alike!​
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Reading Period
Year round
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