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The Writer’s Workout

Type Of Publisher
PO Box 6875, Maryville, TN, 37802, United States
Display Email
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Writer's Workout strives to provide a motivating atmosphere that fosters self-growth and development through encouraging language and education. We want to help you be a better writer. ​Our quarterly literary journal welcomes the self-willed writers who dare to break the mold. With so many varied options for writers around the world, The Writer's Workout wants this literary journal to inspire fresh ideas for pieces new and old with our chosen themes and tributes at the heart. We're excited to publish first-time writers, seasoned authors, and everything in between.
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period

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2 - 6
Total Circulation
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Please include your publication bio and pseudonym in your cover letter. Be sure you follow submissions instructions carefully so that we can read your work.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We like to see strong characters and a clear sense of the quarter's theme.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
First time submitters should pay close attention to how their work is presented. If the file does not follow our listed submissions instructions, we cannot review the work. Aside from this, focus on your story. We look at each piece individually.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
We never solicit submissions, everything we print is received during open call periods!