Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Audio, Autobiography Memoir, Essays
Year Established
Minneapolis, MN
Kris Bigalk
Executive Editor
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Our Mission Our mission is to publish poetry and prose that moves, inspires, and encourages connection, empathy, and understanding.
Our Vision To publish several books of poems and prose annually by emerging and established writers in order to increase the availability of new and diverse literature. To provide educational materials to promote understanding of literature and its personal and cultural relevance for students and the general public. To encourage the artistic process of writing poetry and prose.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
From 06 / 06 / 01 -30
Response Time
1 - 4 months
Fee Amount
Author Payments
royalties, cash, copies
Contest Guidelines
Ingram, Faire, Self
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Tell us about the work - what inspired it, and why you wrote it - and about yourself, but also give us links to your website, your social media, and/or articles/interviews about you or with you.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We look for artistic merit and originality in the work. We also appreciate kind and considerate cover letters and evidence that the author wants to partner with us to get their work in front of readers.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Please read the guidelines to ensure your manuscript fits the requirements of the contest or open reading period, and format your manuscript as directed; please double-check your manuscript file to make sure it's the one you want to submit.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Our ideal reader is someone who may be a little tired of having everything curated to their own tastes - someone who wants to try out a variety of new ways of seeing the world through poetry and creative nonfiction.