Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Press
Genres Published
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Essays, Flash Fiction, Political, Religious, Reviews, Visual Art
Year Established
LyLena Estabine
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Voice & Virtue aims to reignite emotion and artistry in the socially conservative movement by fostering a vibrant community of writers and readers inspired by faith, culture, and conviction. We believe that storytelling and art have the power to touch hearts and shape minds, transcending the limitations of facts alone. Through spiritually nourishing and intellectually engaging works, we seek to affirm the enduring relevance of Christian, Catholic, and socially conservative perspectives in the cultural and literary landscape, encouraging a deeper dialogue between faith and the human experience. In service to that vision, we are a literary journal and publishing house dedicated to showcasing works that embody faith, tradition, and conservative values. We provide a platform for writers and artists to explore the richness of the Christian experience, Catholic theology, and conservative philosophy through poetry, fiction, essays, and visual art. By fostering this creative expression, we aim to inspire meaningful dialogue, touch hearts, and reaffirm the enduring power of faith and creativity in shaping culture.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions