Waterwheel Review

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
52 Grey Rocks Rd., Wilton, CT, 06897, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
What if a literary journal ignores genre? What if we publish what you write, and let you decide what to call it? We’ve built a mill at Waterwheel Review. Not the new-world kind, industrial strength and size. Our mill is old stone and powered by a stream. A stream that runs into a river that runs into an ocean that cradles a continent. Mills represent who we want to be. We want—and need—to make things. At our mill, we make collections of words. To that end, we don’t have genre editors, we have editors. And we don’t categorize by genre. All written art is made of the same substance, and it all returns to the stream. We celebrate what flows by, no matter its form. How to divide water? We want to see what happens when we don’t. Waterwheel Review publishes three pieces of writing each month, September through May, with accompanying companion pieces selected or solicited by the editors. Please see our Submit page for publication details.
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Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
1 - 12 weeks
Average Unique Visitors Per Month