We’re proud to share this list of literary journals—all members of CLMP—publishing new poetry, fiction, nonfiction, artwork, and more in January 2022.
Aletheia Literary Quarterly | Volume 4: Ghosts of the Collapse
Featuring prose poetry from Isabel Legarda, Candace Kelsey, and Jonathan Leonard; fiction by Nasrin Mahoutchi; and memoir by Michelle Hamadache.
Annulet: A Journal of Poetics | Issue 2
Featuring poetry by Joyelle McSweeney and Marlanda Dekine, essays by C.T. Salazar and Brandon Shimoda, and more.
Burningword Literary Journal | Issue 101
Featuring fiction and nonfiction by Luciana Francis, and poetry by Lori Rottenberg, Richard Weaver, Sheryl L. White, and Sally Zakariya.
Carve Magazine | Winter 2022
Featuring fiction by Na Zhong, poetry by Joseph Buckley, nonfiction by Elena Dudum, an interview with Robert Jones, Jr., and more.
The Cenacle | Issue 118
Featuring work by Charlie Beyer, Jimmy Heffernan, Jo Monea, and more.
Chestnut Review | Volume 3, Issue 3
Featuring prose by Tommy Dean, Joshua Beggs, Joy Guo, Cressida Blake Roe, and Maxine Stoker.
Club Plum Literary Journal | Volume 3, Issue 1
Featuring lyric essays, flash fiction, prose poetry, and art by Sara Fall, John Repp, Gary Duehr, Shannon Gardner and more.
The Dillydoun Review | Issue 12
Featuring short stories by Bobby Mathews, Kevin Joseph Reigle, and Gillian Wiley Rose; flash fiction by Cameron Bocanegra; poetry by Dale Cottingham, Candice Kelsey, and Eric v.d. Luft; prose poetry by Stephanie Michele; flash nonfiction by Siavash Saadlou; and more.
The Georgia Review | Volume 75, Issue 4
Featuring writing by Morgan Talty, Garrett Hongo, Larissa Lai, Victoria Chang, and more.
The Hudson Review | Volume 74, Issue 4
Featuring fiction by Alia Ahmed, nonfiction by Daniel Mendelsohn, poetry by Susan de Sola, and music criticism by Becky Y. Lu.
Kenyon Review | Volume 44, Issue 1
Featuring fiction by Lan Samantha Chang, an essay by Melissa Chadburn, and poetry by Cate Marvin and Joan Wickersham.
Midway Journal | Volume 16, Issue 1
Featuring mixed media/ephemera by Mark Bolsover and fiction by Ciara Mandulee Mendis, Kip Knott, and more.
New Note Poetry Magazine | Winter 2021
Featuring poetry by John Grey, Beth Mulcahy, Changming Yuan, D. S. Maolalai, Kelly Sargent, and more.
Orca, A Literary Journal | Issue 9: The Speculative Issue
Featuring fiction by Jaq Evans, Redfern Jon Barrett, Richard Holinger, Lee Kelly, and more.
Owl Light | Volume 5, Issue 1
Featuring an interview with and poem by George Guida and a memoir piece and poem by Rachael Ikins.
The Parliament Literary Journal | Issue 6
Featuring poetry by Michael Brockley, fiction by Naill Power, photography by Lindsey Pucci, and more.
Peatsmoke Journal | Winter 2022
Featuring fiction by JoSaleska Lange, Lucy Zhang, Anna Levy, and Rita Szollos.
Pipe Wrench | Issue 5
Featuring nonfiction by Marsha Gordon, s.e. smith, Sara Benincasa, and Soraya Roberts; art from An Chen and Sarah Oh; and more.
Poetry Northwest | Volume 16, Issue 2
Featuring poems and essays by Raymond Antrobus, Anthony Thomas Lombardi, Jessica Jacobs, Angela Narciso Torres, David Roderick, Heather Cahoon, Amorak Huey, Suphil Lee Park, Erika Meitner, Rajiv Mohabir, and Jane Wong.
A Public Space | Issue 30
Featuring fiction by Kiik Araki-Kawaguchi and Dagoberto Gilb and poetry by Matthew Zapruder and Victoria Chang.
Rain Taxi Review of Books | Issue 104
Featuring interviews with poet Kaveh Akbar and novelist Lincoln Michel, as well as reviews of work by Victoria Chang, Sonia Sanchez, and more.
Red Ogre Review | Issue 4
Featuring poetry by Michael Salcman, Natalie MacKinnon, Tony Daly, and more.
Sinister Wisdom | Issue 12: A Tribute to Conditions
Featuring essays honoring Conditions, “one of the signal publications of the late Women in Print Movement, a time of prodigious writing, organizing, and creating when women ‘seized the time’ and the means for our own revolution in letters.”
West Trestle Review | January/February 2022
Featuring poetry by Jade Hidle, .chisaraokwu., and Angelique Zobitz; prose by Hibah Shabkhez; and more.
Words Without Borders | Animal Kingdom
Featuring fiction by Sergi Pàmies, Hassan Blasim, Eeva Park, Wong Koi Tet, Juan José Millás, Álvaro Cunqueiro, Xi Xi, and Patrice Nganang, and a graphic piece by Ilana Zeffren. Translations by Lisa M. Dillman, Jonathan Wright, Ilana Zeffren, Matthew Hyde, Hong Xinyi, Lee Chee Keng, Tina Sim, Tobias Hecht, Steve Bradbury, Noor Zaheer, and Christine Schwartz Hartley.