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1248 Fenwick Road Lexington, KY 40515 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
For our Readers: We publish fresh takes, original voices, pieces that provoke, inspire and nourish, and some that are just damn weird. With a library so eclectic—whether you’re a romantic, a bookworm, or a genre junkie looking for an escape from the humdrum—you’ve got a home away from home in BarBar. What are you waiting for? Say goodbye to that one-size-fits-all world that tells you to be a good little straight-ticket-voter, to think what they tell you to. You’re too complex to be boxed in by pop culture expectations, political agendas, corporate ratings, or click-bait fueled algorithms. Join us. Be complex. Be yourself. Be BarBar. For Our Contributors: We derive our name, BarBar from the onomatopoeic word Barbaros, which the ancient Greeks used pejoratively to describe what they considered the unintelligible, uncivilized sounds of foreign tongues. Does this air of condescension sound familiar? Literature has long been imprisoned by prestige and pretension. Locked inside the stuffy halls of Academia, it has suffered vivisection at the hands of those with complacent minds and privileged positions. Well, this is a jailbreak. We’re reclaiming literature and giving it back to you. So, crack the door, let god in, and start writing. Write every day. Write compulsively – with passion. Throw away the formulas and plot diagrams. Give us your voice unfiltered. Let your little bird sing. Be yourself. Be strange. Be honest. Be BarBar.
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Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
3 - 4 weeks
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