Bellingham Review/ Western Washington University

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
516 High Street Bellingham, WA 98225 United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Bellingham Review publishes literature of palpable quality--fiction, poetry, nonfiction and hybrid work. The Review has a deep and longstanding commitment to publishing the work of marginalized peoples, both those in the United States and those overseas. In our last issue, we published a section of writers from the peoples of West Africa who have lost their land to colonization and resource extraction. We featured poets from the Tuareg of the Sahara and many other groups around the Sahel. In the past five years we have published work, much of it dissident work, from Palestine, Russia, the Philippines and other geographies. Among our U.S. writers we publish a deeply diverse group of writers and regularly include in our work literature from jails and from the undocumented.
Please Identify The University Or Organization
Western Washington University
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
Number Of Issues Per Year
Total Circulation
