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Best Ghost Writers

Type Of Publisher
44288 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94538, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Our mission is to ignite a universal passion for writing by helping people share their stories with the world in the best possible way. The journey started at a slower pace, but gradually we moved from one finalized order to multiple, and a piece of pie now and then. Our honest effort and client-centric approach soon resulted in a chain of recommendations and word of mouth. Soon our name started getting popular among the authors' community, transforming our name into a brand. We are proud to state that our team never hesitated to help new and known authors to get the recognition they deserve. We made it our mission to provide our services regardless of the order size. Our intention was always to contribute to the literary world by helping writers create books, long and short, fiction and non-fiction, and in styles that were latest in the field. Our goal was to bring diversity to our portfolio in terms of genres and niches. Ultimately, our tireless effort and enthusiasm connected us to more like-minded people. Our team grew, and our business evolved into a reputed brand in the market.
Reading Period

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Average Unique Visitors Per Month