Delta Literary Arts Society

Type Of Organization
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
To promote the literary arts by providing opportunities for writers in areas such as anthology publications showcasing student, emerging, and established writers; contests; student scholarships; readings; festivals; dramatized readings; workshops; interviews; writers’ directory; web publishing; event listings; and, any other activities which promote and disseminate creative writing in the greater Vancouver area.

Social Media Platforms Used
facebook, instagram
Is Your Group Affiliated With A University, Portal Or Other Agency?
Primary Editor/Contact Person
Angela Rebrec
Contact Title
Submissions Policy
Submissions for contests is open to anyone. Submissions for the annual anthology is open to permanent residents or citizens of Canada. Underrepresented writers—including but not exclusive to women (cis and trans), trans men, Two Spirit and non-binary writers who are Black, Indigenous, people of colour, queer, and/or disabled—are particularly encouraged to submit. All Killer Verse and anthology submissions must include a cover letter, address, phone number, email, and a short bio of 100 words or less. Simultaneous submissions are accepted but if your work is accepted elsewhere for publication, please advise us immediately. Submissions should be in a separate document, (Word, EditText, etc)—not as a PDF—and in 12 point Times Roman. Fiction and Nonfiction should be double spaced, poetry may be single spaced. We have the right to disqualify submissions for content that encourages hate and discrimination.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
Simultaneous Submissions Accepted
Reading Period
Year round
Reporting Time
Year Founded
Number Of Issues Per Year
Back Issues Available
Unsolicited Manuscripts Accepted
Average Page Views Per Month
New Site
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
New Site
Publish Print Anthology?
