Evanescent: A Journal of Literary Medicine

Type Of Publisher
1015 Walnut Street Curtis Building Suite 703 Philadelphia, PA 19107 United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Evanescent is the literary journal of the Eakins Writer’s Workshop at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. While we may not think of ourselves as writers, we all harbor creativity. Our roles as members of a large health system place each of us in a unique opportunity to witness and be part of incredible stories every day. Our mission is: -To encourage and enable writing as a conduit for healing, self-reflection, and interconnectedness both for the individual and the community. -To highlight and value the many diverse voices of the Jefferson community, including Jefferson patients and the communities they represent, and to foster a sense of belonging in these individuals and communities. -To promote and demystify writing as a powerful tool for self-empowerment for all in the Jefferson community, not only to those who consider themselves writers. -To communicate and celebrate our diverse stories and experiences to the larger community.
Reading Period
Year round
Number Of Issues Per Year
Total Circulation
