Fiction on the Web

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
121 Leigham Vale, London, England, SW2 3JH, United Kingdom
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Fiction on the Web is a labour of love. Every single story on here is hand-picked and carefully edited by me. I don’t have a staff, and any money I make from donations is ploughed back into the site and related projects. I do this because I want to give authors a chance to get their work out there, and I love sharing great stories with the world. Fiction on the Web has been online and continuously publishing since July 1996, which makes it the oldest short stories website on the Internet. Thousands of stories have been enjoyed by millions of readers. Fiction on the Web aims to: Publish a diverse range of great stories Give authors a platform to be proud of Foster a community of readers commenters and patrons Always remain free to read, free to submit I am a feminist, anti-racist, LGBTQ+ ally who believes strongly in the importance of representation, and I try to publish stories that reinforce those values.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
How Frequently Is Content Updated?
Twice weekly
