Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Fiction, Poetry, Visual Art
Year Established
Hancock, ME
Kate Becker
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Grande Dame Literary Journal is a an online journal for well-written short stories and story-style memoir. We support women writers and believe that all women are Grande Dames in their own right. We seek to encourage women to write stories and share their memoirs by tapping their inner Grande Dame. Age is irrelevant. The blog is committed to maintaining an environment that is about the writer, not the journal. Writers can choose to receive feedback, if so desired. Revisions are encouraged and we love it when writers resubmit their stories and memoirs. We give writers three times to hit the mark. Third time's often a charm. WOMEN WRITERS VIBRANT VOICES is our motto.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Be short and to the point. Tell the recipient only what they need to know. Nix verbosity. But we do not need a cover letter with your submission.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
A well-written, clearly thought out story or story-style memoir, and poems that leave the reader pondering. Work that draws the reader in and writers who know how to make their work engaging.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Whether you are a seasoned writer or a newbie, have someone else, either a professional editor or a critique group, read and critique your work before you submit. Issues can be caught and addressed before you submit. We all love a happy editor.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
One author loved our decline note so much she thanked us for the most charming decline she had ever received. There's a testimonial on our blog.
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Someone who loves to read a variety of material, gets immersed in the piece, and is encouraged to perhaps start writing or write more. Encouraging writers is what we are all about.