Green Zone Literary Journal

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Year Established
450 Lexington Ave #4290 New York, NY 10163 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Green Zone Literary Journal Association was established in 2022 by Rod Nordland, after he failed to find an outlet to publish his eponymous poem in any of the major literary journals or literary outlets for poetry, After receiving feedback from the literary community that convinced him that journalists were not considered “serious writers” , he decided to found The Green Zone Literary Journal in the belief that there were many journalists like himself who would welcome an outlet for their more literary endeavors. He also felt that the journal would encourage good writing by providing that outlet for it, and would help to elevate standards for journalistic writing generally. Governed by a board with broad and diverse journalistic, literary and business experience, the association plans to begin publishing The Green Zone Literary Journal online in Apri of 2023. , with print publication following later in the year.
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Reading Period
Year round
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