Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Tempe, AZ
Susan Nguyen
Senior Editor
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Founded in 1986, Hayden’s Ferry Review is a semi-annual, international literary journal edited by the MFA students at Arizona State University. Work from Hayden’s Ferry Review has been included in the Pushcart Prize Anthology, Best American Poetry, and Best New Poets. HFR has notable pieces in Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, Best American Mystery Stories, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology. To find out more about anthologies that have included pieces from Hayden’s Ferry Review, please view our complete list. Hayden’s Ferry Review looks for well-crafted work that takes risks, challenges readers, and engages us emotionally and artistically. A small portion of our publication is solicited from established authors, while the majority of our contributors are chosen from the thousands of manuscripts we receive each year.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions