Headway Quarterly

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
426 Eastern Pkwy, 6i, Brooklyn, NY, 11225, United States
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Headway Quarterly is a process-focused literary magazine accepting submissions of fiction, poetry, essays and other written work on any theme. At Headway Quarterly, we believe that writing is recursive and discursive, requiring revisitation, revision, and reimagining. Unlike most literary magazines that presuppose finality and present submissions as untouchable artifacts, Headway showcases the process of writing—not simply the product. We ask all of our contributors to submit "Process Materials" to be published alongside their “finished” submission. With this, we aim to push back against the traditional literary magazine structure by foregrounding the writing process, and to create a space for writers to participate in conversations about their writing—asking questions about process, drafting, revision, authorial voice, and medium.
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Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
3 - 8 weeks
Contest Guidelines
Average Unique Visitors Per Month