High Frequency Press

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Year Established
PO Box 472, Brunswick, ME, 04011, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
A NOTE FROM HIGH FREQUENCY High Frequency is our response to a changing marketplace. Larger presses are becoming celebrity-driven conglomerates. Our over 20+ years of industry experience will allow High Frequency to be well-perched within the market we envision. We will publish only the highest quality work—work we believe in wholeheartedly—work that bucks the new norm. We created The New Guard and The Writer’s Hotel as good literary citizens, to serve writers and dig deep into writing craft. We maintain that editorial relationships require thoughtful responses and thoughtful discussion. The new, often closed loop of non-responsive agents and editors does not help writers further their careers. Writing shapes culture. Forward motion is necessary.
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The New Guard literary review and The Writer's Hotel. HF is a subsidiary of TNG; TWH is a subsidiary of TNG. (TNG is the parent company.)
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