J Journal: New Writing on Justice

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
New York, NY
Adam Berlin and Jeffrey Heiman
Co-founders and editors
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
J Journal: New Writing on Justice comes at its subject through creative work, mostly by indirections and sometimes head-on. Housed at CUNY’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice, one of the nation’s premier CJ institutions, J Journal’s contributors have included new and established writers, professionals in law enforcement, lawyers, professors in the humanities and social sciences, and incarcerated people. The short stories, poems, and personal narratives in each volume expand questions about being, living, and seeing in this shutter-speed world. J Journal is published twice a year. As an editorial focus, we lean much more to the character-driven, not to genre.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
J Journal seeks new writing – fiction, creative nonfiction (1st person narrative, personal essay, memoir) and poetry – that takes on justice. Our most powerful pieces relate tangentially to the justice theme, though we do occasionally publish work that speaks directly of crime, criminal justice, law, and law enforcement. As a literary project, however, J Journal is less likely to publish straightforward genre fiction. We look for writing brave enough to find the justice question in the ordinary.
