Type Of Publisher
Year Established
[sarah] Cavar
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Words are worlds. manywor(l)ds, as a project, embraces the worldmaking possibilities and practices of language in all its forms. A genreless space, manywor(l)ds hosts the work of creators whose relationships to embodimindment, to sex(uality), to gender, and to a constellation of factors surrounding these concepts, face marginalization and erasure. We define our demographic loosely on purpose — we don’t want to box you in. But if you need a minute of clarity, we’re interested in works rooted in queer, disabled, trans, intersex, Mad, two-spirit, neurodivergent experiences, regardless of how they manifest. We are particularly interested in those at the nexus of multiple marginalizations, like race, class, size, and geographic/immigration status. But a demographic is not a politic. Our politic is queercrip, and transMad. We’re interested not only in the fact of identity, but also in the ways that identity, community, and experience inform the things we write and make: how our worlds inform and are formed by our words. As writers, we have been transformed by texts, sharing symbols and secrets, sometimes for the first time, with authors who get it. These moments of wayfinding, the realization that life, for us, is not only possible, but beautiful and creatively rich, form the basis of our approach to this magazine. We want to know how you wayfind, or how you refuse to. We want to see work that plays by its own rules, or plays by no rules at all. We celebrate blurriness and obfuscation as radical strategies. We do not define genres and we do not define you. We want projects crafted Madly, on crip time, in queer space, of trans genre. Or something like that. We want work that prefigures the worlds we want, and, in this weird little space, makes them manifest. We are excited to think about the ways our bodyminds inform the texture of our creativity. This is a world where many wor(l)ds fit.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
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Reading Period
Year round
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Average Unique Visitors Per Month