New Imperial Books

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Fiction, Translation
Year Established
Fredericksburg, VA
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
We here at New Imperial Books want to bring back the romance of the literary world. The next great writer could be anyone. It could be your waitress (waiter or non-binary) when you took a chance and ate at a diner you didn’t usually frequent; it could also be the old man (woman or non-binary) you locked eyes with as you were crossing the street. It has no common face, job, nor education. All the next great writer has is a great talent and hard work ethic that fulfills its promise. We exist to find that writer & give it the dream.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Contest Guidelines
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Keep it short and relevant.
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We want to see the world.