Pigeon Review

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Savannah, Georgia
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
We find that agents, publishers, and presses look for stories that are "dynamic," "plot-driven," and "emotionally impactful." Usually, they want a big twist at the end or some kind of fireworks. Darth Vader is the father and the Death Star blows up. But it's not often that our lives have big twists and awe-inspiring fireworks. Sometimes the moments that impact us the most are the quiet ones. The ones we didn't realize were happening and didn't know had ended. These are the stories we want. Stories that meander through city alleyways and country lanes. We want to see a snapshot of life, even something that blends the line between fiction and reality. Pigeons exist all over the world yet they are often overlooked. Like artists and writers, they are beautiful, iridescent, quirky, and resourceful. Some birds find more fame than others, but we see pigeons in all their glory. Of course, pigeons might not be as majestic or smart as their feathered friends, and they may fly headfirst into a window. But how else can we find the barriers in our own world except by running into them headfirst, over and over again, waiting for them to break? Started by an artist and writer, Pigeon Review seeks to help creators fly.
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