
Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Skidmore College 815 N. Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Salmagundi is not a tame or genteel quarterly. It invites argument, and it makes a place for literature that is demanding, including novella-length fiction and essays that—in terms of length and range of interest—go well beyond the fare served up by the better weeklies and monthlies. Founded in 1965 and published since 1969 at Skidmore College, Salmagundi routinely publishes essays, reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry, regular columns, polemics, debates and symposia. It is widely regarded as one of the most influential intellectual quarterlies in the United States, and though often discussed as a “little magazine,” it is by no means predominantly belletristic or narrow in its purview or its audience. Among the writers long associated with Salmagundi during their lifetimes were Nadine Gordimer, Susan Sontag, Benjamin Barber, Tzvetan Todorov, George Steiner, Robert Lowell, Christopher Hitchens, Mark Strand and Seamus Heaney. Among those who continue to write for us are Marilynne Robinson, Frank Bidart, Louise Gluck, Darryl Pinckney, Margo Jefferson, Robert Pinsky, Mary Gaiteskill, John McWhorter, J.M Coetzee, Charles Simic, Thomas Chatterton Williams, Orlando Patterson, Norman Manea, Mary Gordon, Joyce Carol Oates, Lloyd Schwartz, Richard Howard, Carolyn Forché, Rick Moody, Martin Jay, Dubravka Ugresic and David Rieff.
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Skidmore College
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Reading Period
From 10 / 12 / 4 -1
Response Time
4 - 6 months
Number Of Issues Per Year
Price Per Issue
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