Type Of Publisher
Year Established
735 North 26th Street, Apt 1R, Apt 1R, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19130, United States
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Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
SORTES is a collection of stories, poems, songs, and illustrations to help while away the wintery June nights. We have neither theme nor scene. We publish both the sufficiently strange and insufficiently boring: swart stories, hoity poetry, magical surrealism, beatnik travelogues, pulp, antibiography, experimental sentimentalism, and sideways photography. We also host readings, old time radio performances, and other beloved gimmicks. SORTES considers unsolicited submissions of poetry, prose, illustration, music, videos, and anything else you think may fit our format and feel -- and very often material that doesn't. Feel free to poke at us: we’d love to find a way to publish dance, sculpture, puzzles, and other unliterary modalities.
Do You Accept Unsolicited Submissions?
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Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
8 - 12 weeks
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
How Frequently Is Content Updated?
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Be succinct, plain, and boring -- unless you're not a succinct, plain, boring kind of person.